Miguel Fernández-Montes

UC Berkeley Master of Engineering | Data Scientist

A Few Crazy Python Things (Part III)

I guess I couldn’t leave my blogging about weird Python magic to just two parts.

This is, I promise, the third and final post in which I humbly write about some Python features that I find equal parts powerful and mindblowing. Let’s dive in.

11. Metaclasses

Metaclasses are probably the most mind-bending feature of Python that I’ve encountered.

To properly understand metaclasses, we need to take a step back and think about what Python classes are. An insightful definition is the following:

A class is a callable that creates instances

This begs the question: given that classes are also objects (everything is an object in Python) - which class is responsible for creating classes?

A different way to construct classes

We are familiar with the standard class definition syntax:

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

But classes can also be created in a more “dynamic” way via a call to type. Thus, the code above is equivalent to:

MyClass = type("MyClass", (), {"__init__": lambda self, name: setattr(self, "name", name)})

In a nutshell, type (when used for class creation) takes three arguments: the class name, the class’ “bases” i.e. its parents, and its namespace i.e. what will become its __dict__ attribute. Here is a snippet from the Python documentation on type:

class type(name, bases, dict, **kwds)

With one argument, return the type of an object. The return value is a type object and generally the same object as returned by object.class.

The isinstance() built-in function is recommended for testing the type of an object, because it takes subclasses into account.

With three arguments, return a new type object. This is essentially a dynamic form of the class statement. The name string is the class name and becomes the __name__ attribute. The bases tuple contains the base classes and becomes the __bases__ attribute; if empty, object, the ultimate base of all classes, is added. The dict dictionary contains attribute and method definitions for the class body; it may be copied or wrapped before becoming the __dict__ attribute.

Standard class construction is a (tricky) process involving several steps (which correspond to the __prepare__, __new__ and __init__ methods of type). Put briefly, when a class is constructed the body of the class is executed in a new namespace, the class object is created and the namespace is then assigned to the object’s __dict__ attribute. You can read more about it here.

Without getting into the weeds, let’s notice how this sheds some light on the question I posed earlier - which class creates classes?. It turns out that type is a class used to create classes i.e. type is a metaclass (in fact, it is the go-to metaclass, which controls class construction unless specified otherwise).


Basically, metaclasses are classes that control class construction. And we can customize class construction (the process I described above) by defining our own metaclasses. Wild, isn’t it?

Let’s look at a minimal example of how to use a metaclass:

class Meta(type):
    def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
        print("Creating class!")

class User(metaclass=Meta):
    def __init__(self, name, email, age):
        self.name = name
        self.email = email
        self.age = age

# The following will be printed as we define the User class:
# Creating class!

user = User("username", "user@email.com", 42)

# <class '__main__.Meta'>
# <class '__main__.User'>

This example doesn’t do much more than show that we can change the class construction process. Let’s now use a metaclass for something more interesting: registering classes in a dictionary - this is a potential real-life use-case for metaclasses:

registry = {}

class Meta(type):
    def __new__(meta, name, bases, dct):
        cls = super().__new__(meta, name, bases, dct)
        registry[name] = cls
        return cls

class User(metaclass=Meta):
    def __init__(self, name, email, age):
        self.name = name
        self.email = email
        self.age = age

    def greet(self):
        print(f"Hi, my name is {self.name}")

# {'User': <class '__main__.User'>}

class PremiumUser(User):
    def greet(self):
        print(f"...and I'm also a premium user!")

# {'User': <class '__main__.User'>, 'PremiumUser': <class '__main__.PremiumUser'>}

Here we are modifying the metaclass’ __new__ method in order to add the class to a registry everytime a class is created. This will apply to any class that inherits from User as well.

By the way, if you are confused about the difference between __new__ and __init__, I recommend taking a look at this mCoding video.

Now, should we mere mortals use metaclasses? Probably not, unless we have a solid grasp of the inner workings of this process and a very good reason to customize class creation. That said, knowing about metaclasses helps us understand how class construction works in Python, which is very helpful.

12. Iteration, under the hood

Moving on to a less complicated but still very relevant topic: how iteration really works in Python. A for-loop in Python, like the one below:

for num in nums:

is actually equivalent to the following:

iter_ = nums.__iter__()
while True:
        num = iter_.__next__()
    except StopIteration:

This brings us to the concepts of iterable and iterator (which I always confuse!):

To sum up, when we execute a for-loop, an iterator is created out of our iterable, and the __next__ method is called until we reach a StopIteration.

13. Generators

Taking things one step further, let’s talk about generators.

A definition I find useful is that a generator is a piece of computation which we can step through in a iterative manner. Basically, a generator allows us to iterate through computation (code).

We can define a generator in a very similar way to a regular Python function. However, we will use the yield key word to indicate where the generator should “halt” and, if we want, to determine what should the generator return at each step. These functions are normally referred to as generator functions.

When we call the generator function, we instantiate a generator object. A generator is an iterator and can be used as such. See the example below:

# generator function
def squares(n):
    for num in range(n):
        yield num ** 2

# creating our generator object
sqrs = squares(10)
# <generator object squares at ...>

# iteration
# 0
# 1

# with a for-loop
for num in sqrs:
# 4
# 9
# 16
# 25
# 36
# ...

# Notice that the generator object that we enter in the for-loop
# is the same we instantiated earlier and
# it "picks up" where we left it

The example above is not very useful, but it illustrates the basic usage of generators.

One of the main advantages of generators is that they allow us to build iterators with significantly smaller memory footprint than if we were to create a full data container e.g. a list.

In many cases we don’t need to store all our data since we might only need it for some computation. In such situations, using generators can help us save a lot of memory. Let’s compare the memory traces of the generator and non-generator approach in a simple example in which we sum the squares of the first one hundred thousand non-negative integers.

import tracemalloc


sqrs_lst = [x ** 2 for x in range(100_000)]
result = sum(lst)
size, peak = tracemalloc.get_traced_memory()

print(size, peak)


def squares(n):
    for num in range(n):
        yield num ** 2

sqrs_gen = squares(10)
result = sum(sqrs_gen)
size, peak = tracemalloc.get_traced_memory()

print(size, peak)

You will likely see a big difference in memory usage. In my case, using a list has a memory trace that’s almost 400 times bigger than using a generator.

By the way, we can turn our beloved list comprehensions into generator comprehensions to save us some lines and be more Pythonic, so instead of our generator function above we could have simply written:

sqrs_gen = (x ** 2 for x in range(100_000))

While the memory benefits from lazy evaluation are a key advantage of generators, this is just scratching the surface of what generators can do.

There are a bunch of resources to learn more about this topic. David Beazley has a trilogy of courses on generators and coroutines, a related and even wilder concept, that I encourage you to check out!

14. Modules

Importing modules is the bread and butter of any non-trivial Python work, but what are modules exactly? What happens when we import them? What kinds of weird behavior may we encounter when doing so?

According to the official Python documentation:

A module is a file containing Python definitions and statements

Let’s go ahead and create a Python file like the one below, which we will name user.py:

# user.py

print("Executing user module...")

DEFAULT_DOMAIN = "gmail.com"

class User:
    def __init__(self, name, email, age):
        self.name = name
        self.email = email
        self.age = age

def create_email(name, domain=DEFAULT_DOMAIN):
    return name.lower() + "@" + domain

We can then import this file from a different file or from an interactive session in the same directory with the well-known import syntax, for example:

import user
# Executing user module...

# <class 'module'>

name = "George"
email = user.create_email(name)
age = 22

usr = user.User(name, email, age)

What is exactly happening when we run import user?

First of all, Python needs to look for the module. There is a whole process for this that I won’t get into but that I recommend you read about. Then, an object of type module, is created i.e. user in the example above. The code in user.py gets executed in its entirety, as you can tell from that print statement. The names of funtions, variables and classes defined in user.py get added to the namespace of the user module object.

As you probably know, we can also import specific definitions from a module via the from <module> import <name> syntax. The module also gets executed in its entirety when we do this! The only difference is that only the specified definitions get added to the current scope (and that the module itself is not added to the local namespace).

There is more: imported modules get cached! In other words, modules are imported only once. Building on the example above, try the following from an interactive session:

from user import User
# Executing user module...

import user
# you will not see the text 'Executing user module...' again!

name = "George"
email = user.create_email(name)
age = 22

usr = User(name, email, age)

What’s happening under the hood is that the module is getting cached and added to sys.modules after the first import statement (feel free to import sys and check the sys.modules object yourself). When we run the second import statement the module is not executed again - Python simply assigns the module to the name user in the local scope.

15. Packages

Packages are how we organize several modules in Python. A package is basically a directory containing several modules, including an __init__.py module, and, potentially, sub-packages.

To better understand how packages work, try to create the following directory structure:

├── __init__.py
├── item.py
└── user.py

For now, __init__.py will be an empty file. The user.py and item.py modules look like this:

# user.py

DEFAULT_DOMAIN = "gmail.com"

class User:
    def __init__(self, name, email, age):
        self.name = name
        self.email = email
        self.age = age

def create_email(name, domain=None):
    if domain is None:
        domain = DEFAULT_DOMAIN
    return name.lower() + "@" + domain
# item.py

class Item:
    def __init__(self, name, quantity, category):
        self.name = name
        self.quantity = quantity
        self.category = category

From the same working directory, you can import the user and item modules from the application package. Try the following from an interactive Python session:

from application import user, item

# <module 'application.user' from '.../application/user.py'>
# <module 'application.item' from '.../application/item.py'>

# application

usr = user.User("Joe", user.create_email("joe"), 42)

chair = item.Item("Chair", 20, "Furniture")
oven = item.Item("Oven", 4, "Kitchen")

As you can see, our package modules now have the special variable __package__ set to 'application' - the name of package where they are defined.

We can import application directly. Importing a package is actually equivalent to importing the package’s __init__.py module.

import application

# <module 'application' from '.../application/__init__.py'>

desk = application.item.Item("Desk", 10, "Furniture")
# you should get an
# AttributeError: module 'application' has no attribute 'item'

Note that we cannot access the package’s submodules from the application object. In the example above, item is not defined within the package’s __init__.py module, which is what we are really importing.

We can change the __init__.py module to import the underlying submodules user and item. It’s important to notice that relative imports i.e. import user will not work in this case. Instead, we need to import the user and item modules as follows:

# application
# __init.__py

from . import user
from . import item

Now we can actually access the user and item modules as objects of the application “package” (aka the special __init__.py module)

import application

# <module 'application.user' from '.../application/user.py'>

desk = application.item.Item("Desk", 10, "Furniture")
# this should not raise any errors!

The __init__.py module can help us organize our code. One example of this is the idea of module splitting and assembly. We can break our code into multiple modules that we can make accessible from a top-level package directly thanks, precisely, to the __init__.py module.

We could rewrite our example from above as:

# application
# __init.__py

from .user import User
from .item import Item

Even if the classes User and Item are defined in their respective modules, we can directly import them from the top-level package application.

from application import User, Item

usr = User()
desk = Item("Desk", 10, "Furniture")

While this is a super simple example, you can see how module splitting can allow us to organize code into smaller files while making definitions accessible at a higher level.

There is obviously way more to say about packages, including the nightmare of circular imports and how to actually package your code into an installable Python package - but I will leave it here for now.

With this, I sign off on my Python blogging for some time. My next posts will gravitate more towards interesting but fairly accessible Machine Learning and Data Science topics. Stay tuned!